Begin Again, Shed Skins

A spitting cobra: untamed life-force in action

Each moment can be a fresh start, a new beginning. Step out of the mental judgement or the emotion into the clear space of being.  Breathe.  Let go.  Become fully immersed in natural peace. Rest and refresh here for as long as you like before ducking back into the hurly-burly of the world.

Real life is feeling your life-force moment to moment, pulsating, awe-inspiring, dangerous.  Since we are a mind-dominated culture, it is hard to feel that, we can’t easily release from mental focus.  It’s why we drink, take drugs, freak out, to get that release.

Using awareness, the breath and practise, we can release independently and more consistently into each moment.  We can be like snakes, shedding skins, beginning again, letting go.  Refreshed, clean and renewed.

We can meet each moment face to face: in its perfect clarity.

Allowing Nature In

Wild places

Wild places: being in tune with the vast intelligence of the natural world

The process of waking up and going beyond mind based consciousness requires us at some point to allow nature in. This means we are prepared to receive guidance from the natural world and to allow that to interact with our life rather than managing everything ourselves. We are all able, and do, receive guidance through our intuition, whether we are conscious of it or not. I am suggesting a deeper relationship with that ability. It may seem far-fetched or spooky to the uninitiated but it leads to an increased ability to feel calm and secure in life and is an effective antidote to the exhaustive craziness of modern living.

If we are to allow nature in, begin by spending time in it. Find the wildest and most undisturbed areas you can, free of human intervention. Earth energy in these areas is at its most pure. Interact with it by looking and noticing the different shapes, colours, smells and sounds around you. Become as deeply present with it as you can, and receive: there is a huge variety of plants, leaves, different tree barks, all transmitting their particular energy. Plants are not only healthy and life supporting to eat, being around them can be profoundly calming and neutralising on the mind and emotions. If you are really feeling it, don’t be too shy to communicate with these different plant energies!  I find it is only natural to want to bow down before them 🙂